World-Class Analytic Training

We focus our training on the core elements of intelligence analysis—writing, briefing, and critical thinking. These tools are useful for intelligence teams and non-intelligence business units that would benefit from improved analysis and communication.

Our training is modeled on the world-class training that the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) provides to its analysts at the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis

It is taught by the Principal at Schlimmer Intelligence Consulting, a former Senior Intelligence Analyst at CIA. Our Principal trained at CIA's Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis—where he completed the Advanced Analyst Program—and received senior analyst training from a European intelligence service.

Our training is modular, which means each day stands on its own. If an employee misses one day, he or she still benefit from the other training days. Our training is also experiential. Adults generally learn better by experience than by lecture, a fact that we take advantage of.

Our full-week courses culminate with a practicum during the final day to give employees the chance to immediately practice and apply what they learned the previous days. This will crystalize the learning in their minds for better recall when on the job.

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Services Offered

Click here for a list of the services offered by Schlimmer Intelligence Consulting.