Advanced Analytic Tools

We created six advanced analytic tools based on the methods the Intelligence Community uses to defend the United States against terrorist and cyber attacks. The tools were developed by a former CIA Senior Analyst who earned a National Intelligence Award and received senior analyst training from CIA and a European intelligence agency.

We’ve all found ourselves bogged down by day-to-day threats. Using analytical tools, you can more easily get ahead of threats and prepare for them before they happen. 

Papers written with these tool often draw interest from a wide audience, expanding your security team’s reach within your organization. This added exposure typically increases awareness of security threats among business units and executives, which usually leads to security budget increases

Each tool includes a:
1) PowerPoint presentation to train your analysts on how to use the tools

2) Worksheet to guide analysts through the analytic thinking required by the tool

3) Microsoft Word template to communicate the results clearly to business units and executives

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President Obama Shifting Cyber Security Responsibility to Companies

Learn more about President Obama's recent executive order on cyber security and how it affects cyber security at your company.

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